I often use 2 by 2 matrices as tools for thought, as models to aid clarification by simplifying the interactions between variables. John Maeda sparked some thoughts which we seem to be wrestling with at present... the interaction of disciplines that affect our behaviour and therefore our experiences John wrote about The Bermuda Quadilateral which reminded me of Rich Gold's Matrix... John then posted Getting Rich which sketches his well executed thinking. I never met Rich but found his presentations enabled me to connect my need to communicate with his metaphors which I could then repackage to tell stories to engage people on design journies that they might not have taken. As I explained in an email to John Maeda I am a hoarder and find I can get more bits than atoms on my real estate. Somewhere I have A pdf of Rich's book "Plenitude" which I don't believe became an atomic edition... the pdf has vanished off the web too. Googling it pointed to some fascinating plenitudes but not the richer one. [thought maybe I'll see if we can get it back into the daylight].
The great thing about the matrix is that it enables cross-disciplinary dialogue as it helps us understand where we are coming from and what our professional baggage is. My version looks like this:
I have added a success loop in the centre to represent the process or journey of sharing tacit knowledge of each discipline that leads to a successful outcome.
I really love that diagram. The quotes in the various diciplines really get the point.
Posted by: 020200 | September 10, 2006 at 09:39 AM