I dream, I test my dreams against my beliefs, I dare to take risks, and I execute my vision to make those dreams come true." -Walt Disney.
Disney's process, quoted by Walt Disney “Dream, Believe, Dare, Do”, I describe as
Dream the project outcome
Evaluate what is needed
Realistic assessment of what will work, timing, etc.
Make the dream come alive
Deliver the dream
Live the dream!
But dreams without purpose can be counter-productive so it is better make sure they are aligned with the strategy and goals;
Picture uploaded on by apesara. Used with thanks under CC.
that is not to say we should not challenge them but eventually we need to have a reasonable degree of alignment remembering that
“There is no freeway to the future - often not even paved roads but instead uncertain terrain and wilderness. So pioneering leaders rely on a compass and a dream.” - Kouzes and Posner.
Joel Barker states that
"Vision Without Action...Is Just a Dream.
Action Without Vision...Just Passes the Time.
But, Vision and Action...Can Change the World."
Picture uploaded by Argyleist. Used with thanks under CC.Picture uploaded on by nicephore. used with thanks under CC.